Earthaconter Community

Connect without judgement | Explore without expectation | 
Expand into your whole self

connect to your inner wisdom and move to possibilities


Do you long for a new way of relating to others
in community?

Do you sense the potential of your inner nature to create possibilities in your life?

Do you draw strength and inspiration from your connection to nature?

You are not alone!

A growing number of us are recognising our own potential to create positive change in the world. It's happening from the inside out.  Our connection to nature grounds us and brings us back into balance and back into our bodies. It is here that we can let go of the limiting stories we have been repeating to ourselves. It is here we tap into our truth and sense what wants to emerge. 

Here's how the community can support you to move towards possibilities: 

Holding space for one another is a gift and, feeling safe, allows insights and deep wisdom to emerge from our inner nature. We come together in our online sessions with curiosity and mutual respect

OurNature online sessions are monthly and include a  guided exercise and space for personal reflection and sharing

TreeWisdom - four live, online sessions per quarter tapping into the deeper wisdom of different aspects of the tree

Nature of Business - monthly online sessions  focused on innovative ways to develop our respective businesses

Circle of Practice - our online sandbox where we experiment with new tools and exercises and get feedback from the group (in development)

Weekly audio exercises and videos connecting to TreeWisdom and supporting the integration of natural wisdom in daily life

Access to private, online membership platform with shared articles, conversation threads and directory

Companionship of fellow, like-minded yet diverse members

Networking opportunities for collaboration and exchange both online and in person


These experiential sessions draw on our inner wisdom and the whole of nature to support us in connection and exploration.

They are structured sessions with a themed exercise, reflection and sharing with light-touch coaching.

OurNature sessions are 75 minutes in duration and are held every 4 weeks.

Earth edited
TreeJourney Tree Lores


TreeWisdom sessions and content are seasonally based following an extended format of the TreeJourney; drawing on the timeless wisdom of trees. These sessions are to support bringing natural wisdom into your daily life.

 There are 4 live sessions a quarter. These sessions explore a question and aspects of the tree. There is time for reflection and sharing with light-touch coaching. The sessions are 75 minutes long.

 The weekly online content contains a mix of reflections, audio, video and written exercises.

The demands of living in our culture can make it feel like we are swimming upstream.

All we want is to be true to ourselves.

It's all too easy to get stuck in frustration and anger and to fall back into a victim mentality.  

Within the Earthaconter community we support each other to connect more deeply with our inner nature, draw on our potential and move to possibilities. The intent weaving through our community activities is to nourish each other on our journey. This is an opportunity to become part of a trusted circle where you can:

  • Connect without judgement
  • Explore without expectation
  • Expand into your whole self

Just as you might boost your body with mineral and vitamin supplements, Earthaconter community membership nourishes your whole being and supports you to step into becoming your whole self. 

The Earthaconter Community - a summary

Who is it for?

The Earthaconter Community is for those who want to meet like-minded individuals and provides an opportunity to:

  • continue to deepen your connection to yourself and nature
  • explore the stories and behaviours holding you back from what you want to do
  • expand towards what is possible for you when you tap into your potential

What is it?

The Earthaconter Community is made up of regular live experiential sessions - which look to connect you more deeply to yourself, nature and others, and explore what will support you and move you towards the change you want to make.

 There is also weekly content - reflections, audio exercises and videos - shared online.

 The key, live, online elements are; OurNature Sessions and TreeWisdom Sessions. Related content is posted online or shared via email.

Member Pathway

Our Member Pathway guides us all.

We are redefining what it means to be human: connecting to nature/Earth, self and each other and stepping out of the limiting beliefs our culture imposes on us. We realise that as part of the wholeness we are way more powerful than we are led to believe.

Member Pathway - Within the community each member is guided by the community values and agrees to support them:


We are re-connecting to nature/Earth for health, balance and transformation. We are deepening our connection with each other and sharing what we experience.  


Earthaconter is a safe space for each of us to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance of the authentic self. A community where we experience presence and connection online.


Together we experience what it means to be grounded in deep connection with nature/Earth, with our embodied selves and with the present moment.


We inspire and support each other to live the best version of ourselves. In doing so we make a difference for ourselves and those we live and work with and society. 


The forest ecosystem informs us how to develop the Earthaconter community, more specifically the mycorrhizal network where Earthaconter is the mycelium facilitating the communication and sharing of resources between the members of the community.  


Each interaction is guided by the values and we act with mutual respect and openness. 


Each member of the Earthaconter community recognises that they take responsibility for their own growth, knowing the community can support them in this and equally that they are there for others in the community. 


The community is greater than any one of us and through connection and exploration we can create expansion and greater positive impact on our planet.

Join us for support on your journey of becoming more of your true self !

Becoming a member costs just £20 a month (after your 2-month FREE trial.


Gift yourself Community membership today!

Connect without judgement | Explore without expectation | Expand into your whole self