Earthaconter Blog



Sit and be...

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Sit and be…
I feel the anger, grief and fear
But know joy, love and compassion are also here.
This cacophony of feelings that come and go
Are telling me what I need to know.
What I need to know about what’s going on inside,
And, yes there are times I want to hide.
Hide from the feelings enveloping me
To lock them out and throw away the key.
But then they come again knocking at the door
Telling me not to ignore
The fear, the grief anger and pain,
The guilt and the deep d…

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What can the falling leaves teach us?


Last night we had a Tree Wisdom live session with myself, Mark, Lyn and Marie.

This was the start of the Winter season.

It crystallised some recent thoughts and feelings and I felt like capturing this in a poem this morning.

Thank you to Lyn, Marie and Mark for the part you played in this.

And of course to the falling leaves.


Watching the leaves fall

Do you have time to watch the leaves fall?

Last year they taught me about grace. And I could try to be graceful. Inside as well as out.


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